Friday, June 12, 2020



As of 9th June 2020 

-Operation of public and private preschool premises, kindergartens, nurseries, children’s clubs, all-day and summer schools, as well as schools of special education and training (special schools) (subject to the guidelines of the Ministries of Health, Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, and Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance).
-Conduct of sports championships without spectators and without the use of changing rooms (subject to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and the Cyprus Sports Organization).
-Operation of the following enterprises is allowed, subject to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health: 

  • malls, multi-stores and retail enterprises, as well as catering services (indoor and outdoor areas), within these outlets, 
  • cinemas, theatres and outdoor performance venues, 
  • children’s outdoor playgrounds, 
  • sports clubs, cultural clubs, associations and societies. 
  • Visits to all state and private hospitals, homes for the elderly and disabled and in structures for 24hour care for persons with disability, only by appointment and following an approval by the Director of the hospital/home/structure. 
  • Operation of indoor and outdoor catering services, including amongst other, the following enterprises (under the terms specified below and subject to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health): 
  • restaurants, 
  • hotels and tourist accommodation, 
  • taverns, 
  • cafeterias, 
  • pizzerias, 
  • pubs, snack-bars and bars, 
  • coffee-shops, canteens, or/and refectories of schools, sports clubs, cultural clubs, associations, societies, etc. 

 The services are offered under the following conditions:

  • the service of the public is exclusively provided through the use of tables and chairs (subject to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health), 
  • wherever there are bars, they will not accept to serve the public and the direct service of the public at the bar is prohibited, 
  • the operation of children’s playgrounds in indoor areas of catering enterprises is prohibited. 

Operation of the following is suspended: 
  • Nightspots, discos, entertainment venues and music and dance venues. 
  • Cinemas, theatres and indoor performance areas. 
  • Children’s indoor playgrounds. 

Ban on events 
  • Mass and other events, congregations, demonstrations, parades, concerts in public and private places, as are also open-air fairs and festivals. 

As of 13th June 2020 at 06.00 p.m. Operation of the following is allowed: (subject to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health or/and of the Cyprus Sports Association, depending on the case) 
  • Indoor and outdoor sports venues, including outdoor and indoor athletic installations, gyms, dancing schools and other schools, as well as other sports (e.g. martial arts, etc.) without the use of changing rooms. 
  • Theme parks (e.g. amusement parks) and water sports. 
  • Casinos. 

Mandatory use of protective face mask for employees of: 
  • Indoor areas of private enterprises which provide service to the public. 
  • Offices of the Public and wider Public Sector, as well as in the offices of the Local Authorities that provide service to the public. 
  • Retail trade enterprises. 
  • Means of public transport, as following: by the employees and passengers on all regular passenger buses with a fare for each passenger, as well as on all the means of public and/or private transport, such as shuttle services from/to the airports, tourist buses and/or other buses such as mini buses. 
  • Construction sites. 
  • Barber shops, hairdressing salons, beauty centres and tattooing studios. 
  • Catering enterprises. 
  • Children’s playgrounds. 
  • Gambling enterprises and casinos. 
  • Libraries, museums, archaeological and historical sites. 
  • Cinemas, theatres and outdoor performance venues. 
  • Any other enterprise/organization, based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Health. 

Pursuant to the Quarantine (Determination of Measures to Prevent Spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus) Decree (No. 28) 2020, issued on 5 June 2020, and in addition to the previous Decrees. REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS PRESS AND INFORMATION OFFICE 

General information and all important government announcements can be found by visiting