Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Cyprus Mail 30 June 2020 - by Andria Kades

Doctors union Pasydy on Monday agreed to the monetary incentives offered by the state health services (Okypy).

In a statement, the union said: “the agreement is deemed to be mutually beneficial for all sides” and was a result of long and arduous work.

The agreement is expected to be signed this week.

The overarching goal of all those involved was to keep doctors in state hospitals, which is key for the sustainability of hospitals now that the second phase of Gesy has come into effect.

Initially, both sides agreed on an across-the-board allowance of €1,850 per month to be made available directly to the specialists.

However, there was a disagreement over the clause inserted by Okypy on reductions to that amount if certain financial goals were not met.

The doctors said this was like imposing a fine on them.

Eventually, Okypy sent a new proposal which unions accepted.

The clause about the across-the-board allowance of €1,850 was changed to say, “the achievement of financial goals will be negotiated to adjust the target when a new agreement is reached.”

Doctors will also receive incentives, based on their productivity, the new proposal said. These allowances for specialists will be given to each hospital department or clinic, based on the income it generates.

The maximum of this allowance will be €843 for each doctor to be given every four months.

The agreement will be in effect until December 31, 2021.