Monday, June 29, 2020


in-cyprus 29 June 2020 -ByBouli Hadjioannou

Indoor cinemas and theatres can reopen from July 1 under health and safety rules governing their operation, the Health Ministry announced on Monday citing the epidemiological situation as regards the coronavirus.

It said that the maximum number of people allowed in each cinema or theatre auditorium at any given moment will be calculated based on the available space and provided that there is a two metre distance or two vacant seats between individuals and groups as requested.

Outdoor concerts and theatrical performances will also be permitted from July 1 in organised open areas, but with designated seats and in line with instructions on the operation of amphitheatres.

The ministry clarified that the maximum number of people permitted will be calculated on the basis of the available open space and provided seats have one metre distance or there are two empty seats between people and groups, as requested.