Tuesday, June 16, 2020


in-cyprus 16 June 2020 -ByBouli Hadjioannou

Cyprus, in line with a wider international trend, has ordered a larger quantity of flu vaccines this year in order to cover more people, Marilena Panagi reports for Phileleftheros.
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, countries across the world are scrambling to secure increased quantities of flu jabs, she adds.

Citing sources, Phileleftheros reports that Cyprus issued a tender for influenza A vaccines in March and the agreement is expected to be signed in the next few days.
The order is for 100,000 vaccines with the ministry planning this year to also cover babies and infants from six months to three years.  Last year, Cyprus imported 88,000 vaccines with some vaccinations taking place in January because of the delay in taking delivery of the last batch.
Of the 100,000 vaccines, 10,000 are for babies and infants from six months to three years and the remainder for those aged three and over with priority going to vulnerable groups and people over 65.
The first batch is expected to be delivered towards the end of September and another 12,500 at the end of October. The third delivery of 57,500 is due in mid-November which is when demand is highest.
Meanwhile, the problem which arose with children’s vaccines appears to be heading for a solution.
The vaccines were ordered in time but there was a delay in delivery due to flight restrictions during the pandemic, prompting protests from pediatricians as their association voiced concern over its implications.
But Phileleftheros reports that the Health Ministry has managed to secure 1200 of the 4000 vaccines ordered and these are due to be delivered today and distributed from tomorrow to pediatricians of the GHS.