Friday, May 22, 2020


Cyprus Mail 22 May 2020 -by Kyriacos Nicolaou

Cyprus Football Coaches Association president Andros Kouloumpris said that he’s in communication with colleagues in Greece, from whom he’s gleaming valuable insights and feedback in regards to children and youth players coming back to training

Football managers and coaches in Cyprus are eagerly awaiting the forthcoming safety guidelines for the recommencing of academy operations and group training.
The current estimate is that group training sessions at football academies will be allowed to restart on Monday, May 25.
This doesn’t just affect any youth players and their development, but also all staff who have remained without income for quite some time.

Speaking to the Cyprus News Agency, Cyprus Football Coaches Association president Andros Kouloumpris expressed his satisfaction with the government’s acceptance that academy training can recommence before the start of next season.
In terms of the responsibility of maintaining all health and safety guidelines, Kouloumpris said that he’s certain that all coaches will manage to rise to the occasion.
Kouloumpris has also said that he’s in communication with colleagues in Greece, from whom he’s gleaming valuable insights and feedback in regards to children and youth players coming back to training.
“Everyone is waiting to see the finalised guidelines so that we may see how they can be applied in practice”, Kouloumpris said.
Many coaches have not been able to run sessions for months and some have not been paid since February. If training sessions were postponed to September, some coaches would go without pay for seven months. “We are pleased that the government has understood our concerns”, Kouloumpris said.

Kouloumpris said that many parents have contacted the coaches their children train under and expressed their desire for training to recommence, citing concerns that prolonged abstention from training can cause other problems and generate different types of risks, which parents are eager to avoid.