Tuesday, May 19, 2020


in-cyprus 19 May 2020 -ByJosephine Koumettou

*Only one tested positive yesterday as experts reassure parents that cases among pupils are under control.
*All final year pupils, teachers and other staff at Apostolos Varnavas upper secondary school have tested negative for coronavirus.
*The Health Ministry has issued a list of the catering establishments that will be allowed to open.

*The heatwave gripping Cyprus is an ally against the coronavirus, a member of the team of scientists advising the government said.
*The Labour Ministry has clarified that its special schemes, including leave to look after children will be in force until June 12.
*Deputy tourism minister Savvas Perdios is holding intensive consultations with tourism partners abroad, aiming to formulate a picture by the end of May of how the island’s tourism industry will work.
*Health inspectors issued fines for violations at five premises for non-compliance with the provision in the decree for mandatory Covid-19 tests for employees.
*Pilots’ union Pasyki said that the Coronavirus crisis highlights the need for the government to found a national air carrier.
*More than 7,500 people were repatriated to Cyprus in less than two months, Foreign Ministry Spokesman said.
*Health experts and the government are discussing the possibility of reopening organised beaches earlier than June 1 due to the heatwave.
*Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou said that remote education will soon be enshrined into law.
*Vulnerable people sought medical care yesterday due to extreme high temperatures and said they were afraid to turn on the air conditioning fretting Coronavirus transmission.
*Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides outlined Cyprus’ strategy to resume flights for tourism during a teleconference held with counterparts from nine EU member-states.
*Labour inspectors closed one construction site in Famagusta and fined one construction worker at a Nicosia building site over the weekend and Monday.
*Only 19 people were booked overnight by police for breaking the lockdown.