Thursday, May 21, 2020


Cyprus Mail 21 May 2020 -by Evie Andreou

The labour ministry on Thursday released new measures for visits to care homes, the homes of child carers, and for people receiving home care.
According to the statement on the new measures in place to stop the spread of coronavirus, people in care homes and centres for disabled people, will only be allowed to have one visit from a relative twice a week.
The relative will be required to make an appointment with the centre and can only visit for an hour.  The ministry said all social distancing measures will have to be followed.
Outings from the all care homes will be limited to the utmost necessary, the ministry said.
Any planned outings using buses rented by the centres, will have to meet health ministry guidelines.  Currently, all field trips and other outings are prohibited.
Meanwhile, people providing home care will continue to do so while taking all protective measures.
People looking after children at their homes can only take care of three children, and only if the children have no other carer.  The children will need  to dropped off by their parents at the entrance to the carer’s house.