Friday, April 3, 2020


in-cyprus 3 April 2020 -By Bouli Hadjioannou

Paphos will begin testing for coronavirus tomorrow based on a statistical model to ensure a representative demographic sample.
A total of 1000 individuals are to be tested following a decision of the Health Ministry with the cooperation of Paphos Municipality in order to obtain a clearer picture of the coronavirus outbreak in the community.
Paphos and Aradippou have a disproportionately high number of recorded cases of Covid-19. This has led the Health Ministry to decide on further, targeted testing to assess contagion in the community. [Aradippou testing is underway]

Initially the Paphos tests were to cover both Covid-19 and the presence of antibodies to see who has had the virus and now has immunity, but the latter has now been scrapped after it emerged that neither private nor state labs have adequate test kits These will be carried out as soon as they are available, Mayor Phedon Phedonos said.
The people to be tested will be contacted by telephone and given a time and place to go at mobile units to be set up for sample taking. The permission of the Private Data Protection Commissioner has been sought.
The cost of the tests is being covered by the state, local authorities, the Chamber of Commerce and the Paphos branch of the hoteliers association.
The mayor said that by Tuesday or Wednesday, the results will be available, showing what must be done in the next 20 to 30 days.
The mayor appealed to businesses that are still in operation to cover the cost of testing their employees. Banks, supermarkets, bakeries, kiosks and delivery services should dig into their pockets as they are still operating and have had few consequences from the crisis, he said.

“They call and ask me whether their staff will be included. Some are working, making a profit and are asking for Paphos Municipality to pay,” he said.