Thursday, March 26, 2020


Update from the British High Commission - 25 March 2020.

Due to the current circumstances and the restriction of movement, kindly be informed of the following:

The police are actively fining individuals who are leaving their home for non-essential movement.

Under the current restrictions, movement should not be undertaken for any of the following since none of the below reasons fall under the category of necessary movement, such as defined by the Cyprus government here.

  1. Residency Applications.
UK nationals should not leave their homes in order to submit residency applications for MEU1 or MEU3 documents at any of the district immigration offices or at the central Civil Registry and Migration offices in Nicosia.

We have the assurance of the Civil Registry that UK nationals will be able to continue to apply for their residency documents when there is no longer a restriction to movement. UK nationals in Cyprus need not be concerned that the current pause in the submission of residency applications will impact their residency status in any way. 

All UK nationals who are resident in Cyprus and fall within the scope of the Withdrawal Agreement will retain their residency rights irrespective of the fact that their residency applications will be submitted at a later date.

  1. Passports.
There are currently no international flights coming in to Cyprus and therefore there is no postal service for renewed passports to come to Cyprus from the UK.  UK nationals in Cyprus who have applied for a renewed passport will have to await the lifting of these measures in order to obtain their UK passport. 

Passport applications are completed on-line.  Here is the link

Applicants should complete all the on-line steps to apply for their passport and then await its arrival when international postal flights begin again.

  • Should a UK national  have to leave his/her home for necessary movement, such as defined by the Cyprus government here and their passport has expired, then the expired passport and a copy of the application for a renewed passport will suffice to show to the Cyprus police if they are stopped and their identification documents checked.

  1. Driving Licenses
The process of exchanging a UK driving license for a Cyprus driving license is currently not deemed an essential service so as to justify movement.

UK nationals are advised not to undertake unnecessary movement for their protection. This includes optician and doctor appointments for the purpose of driving license exchange or renewal. Visiting the Road Transport Authority or making any non-vital appointments for health and eye-sight checks for the purpose of driving licenses should be left for a later stage when the restrictions of movement have been lifted.