Monday, March 23, 2020


In the framework of a series of measures taken by the Government aiming to contain the spread of the coronavirus CODIV-19 and to protect Public Health, the Minister of Health has issued a new Decree 
that came into force on March 21st 2020, setting special hours at supermarkets. In specific, 
supermarkets from the time of their opening until 10 a.m. will exclusively cater only people who

(a) belong to the vulnerable groups,
(b) are over 60 years old, and 
(c) those with disabilities.

Due to the non-compliance with the Decree issued by the Minister of Health and to the issues that 
emerged since the initial implementation of the measure with regard to the vulnerable groups of the population who are entitled to be served by the specific premises until 10 a.m., the following are 
  • When going to the aforesaid premises, persons who belong to the said groups must be in a position to present, when requested to do so, a civil identity card/a patient card/a member card of an approved patients’ association/an attestation/a certificate or other proof to provide evidence that they belong to a vulnerable group so that they are allowed entrance.
  • Show of identification or proof as described above is deemed necessary by virtue of the Decree and of the circumstances, to authorized persons and it shall comply with the principles of legal conditions of processing personal data.
This arrangement was processed with the Chief of Police, the Commissioner for Personal Data 
Protection, the Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation an, the Pancyprian Retail Association.