Monday, March 23, 2020


in-cyprus 23 March 2020 -Edited by

The private hospital Evangelismos in Paphos has resumed full operations after partially suspending work on Friday when a health professional tested positive for Covid-19.
It said that tests carried out at the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics on samples from other staff and associate doctors all came back negative.
As a precaution, a small number of personnel, even though their tests came back negative, will remain in self-isolation for 14 day.
These are individuals who came into close contact as defined by the Health Ministry’s protocols with the confirmed case 48 hours before the doctor in question exhibited symptoms.
The private hospital said that the protocols for additional protection introduced in advancd had brought results as had the suspension of operation of some departments and the disinfection of all the areas.
The hospital said it is in close contact with the Health Ministry particularly as it serves as a backup facility until Paphos Hospital is back in operation.

It is as from today back in full operation, adhering to all increased safety measures.