Wednesday, March 25, 2020


in-cyprus 25 March 2020 -By Bouli Hadjioannou

A doctor at the Saint George & Blue Cross private hospitals has tested positive for Covid-19 and the hospital has activated all the required protocols.
The doctor, a personal doctor who has his office at Saint George, has been in self-isolation for one week, the hospital said.
It added that the names of all the health professionals and other members of staff who had come into contact with the doctor have been given to the epidemiological monitoring unit of the Heath Ministry, in line with the protocol and that the hospital was now working with skeleton staff.
So far, no member of the medical or other staff at the hospital has exhibited symptoms.
Even though the hospitals had been disinfected 48 hours ago, there will be an additional deep clean today of doctors’ offices, waiting rooms, wards, labs, operating theatre, physiotherapy, accounting office, storage and other areas.
For the next two to three days, the hospital will operate only with skeleton staff and deal ONLY with emergencies until instructions are given by the Health Ministry.