Tuesday, February 11, 2020


11/02/2020 10:45:00

Police Tips on Today's World Safe Internet Day 2020

World Safe Internet Day is today and aims to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology
especially among children and young people.

As part of the actions being taken today, which is established to celebrate the 2nd day of the 2nd 
week of the 2nd month of each year, thousands of people come together to wake up to issues related
to the safe and ethically sound use of the Internet, of the mobile phone and all interactive 
technologies that are now part of our daily lives, participating in various events around the world.

This year's World Safe Internet Day, which is a springboard for raising awareness of the use of 
internet technology, is entitled " Together for a Better Internet ".

Prevention and tips on how a user can increase his or her critical browsing ability on the Internet 
are very important factors in avoiding risks.

Because of the dangers inherent in the Internet, the Cyprus Police, seeking to protect users and 
especially the vulnerable group of users as far as prevention is concerned, sets out minimum 
measures which, if taken, may minimize the risks that may arise from internet use:

Parents should be aware of the following preventive measures:

• Teach your children that what they read or see on the Internet is not always true and encourage 
them to ask if they have doubts
• Check your child's activity on the Internet using advanced Internet software. Parental control can
help you filter out dangerous content, record locations your child visits, and find out what he's 
doing there
• Always connect to the Internet with your children when they are under 14
• Add accepted sites to your favorites to create a personal online environment for your children
• Use software that blocks annoying pop-ups to protect your children in this way
• It is preferable for computers to be in the common areas of the home rather than in the children's 
bedroom, in order to exercise the control required of you. The measure is made by a minor PC user 
feel free and uncontrollable
• Parents should be aware that when children use communication tools such as chat rooms, e-mails
and instant messaging such as msn messenger, they run the risk of contacting an online perpetrator.

Additional Measures Parents Can Take to Reduce Risk and Protect Children From Using the 

• Apply email filters
• Parents tell their children that when they find something weird on the Internet, report it to them. 
Their ID should never reveal their personal information or be erotic
• Children should be aware that if someone starts asking them sexually explicit questions on the
Internet or asking them for confidential information, then they should stop communicating with 
them and inform their parents

Internet users in general:

• Never tell strangers their address, phone number or other personal information
• Never give out their personal information, their identity, bank account and credit card numbers
• Never settle for dating online friends who have doubts about their intentions
• It is also important to be aware of the dangers that can occur with web cameras. NEVER switch 
off when we don't need them. Better covered when we don't need them. WE HAVE TO KNOW 

Every day, thousands of users fall victim to some Internet fraud, either due to malicious 
software that has given the computer access to malicious people, or by giving their personal 
information to dubiously trustworthy websites or persons who are intended to deceive the user 
in any way. Especially children and young people, who make extensive use of the Internet, are 
the most vulnerable category of its users, and often victims of financial fraud fall into commercial 

Note that the Police Operate an Electronic Crime Bureau , which has the role of preventing and 
combating cybercrime, as well as informing the public about the dangers arising from the use of the
Internet and the protection of children in particular from cyber-corruption. .

The Cybercrime Bureau is open to the public daily, including weekends and public holidays 
(7am - 7pm). If anything suspicious is found on the Internet, the public is urged to immediately 
call the Office at 22-808200 . The public can also make a complaint through the Police Online Complaint Form at https://cybercrime.police.gov.cy/police/CyberCrime.nsf/subscribe_gr/subscribe_gr?OpenForm