Friday, January 17, 2020



For those who may be unaware, it is now necessary for UK expats to formalise their residency in Cyprus before Brexit and whilst we are still EU citizens.  If you do not do this and wait until after Brexit the procedure for Third Country Nationals [which is what UK expats will become] is likely to be more stringent and expensive.    Once you have the MEU1/MEU3 please note that it will need to be converted into a different document post 31 December 2020.  This is likely to be a plastic 'credit card' sized permit.  More information will follow regarding the procedure at the end of 2020.

If you have any form of stamp in your passport or any document regarding residency which is not an MEU1 or MEU3, then it is necessary for you to go to Immigration and obtain an MEU1/3 as these are the only documents the Cypriot Government will now recognise.

Post-Brexit, without an MEU1 or MEU3, you will only be able to stay on the island for up to 90 days in any 180 day period.  If your visits are likely to extend beyond 90 days in any 180 day period, you will need to apply for an MEU1.  

It is estimated that there are around 70,000 UK expats living in Cyprus and to date just over half have obtained an MEU1 and/or MEU3.

To obtain an MEU1/3, you will need to go to the Immigration Department with your passport.   They will tell you what documentation they require you to bring with you and whether or not you need an appointment.   At the time of writing, they appear to be telling you to just turn up with all the paperwork and you will be processed, but please bear in mind that you will need to arrive at around 7/7.30am and be prepared to sit and wait.  It appears that the staff hand arrivals a ticket and once the allocated number of tickets is reached, you will not be seen that day.   If the allocation for the day has been met when you arrive, then they can give you an actual appointment for a future date.

The MEU1 is an application to stay on the island and for this you will need to demonstrate that you are financially stable and can finance yourself.   The MEU3 is available once you have lived on the island for 5 or more years.   If you already hold an MEU1, it is recommended that you apply for the MEU3 once you have completed 5 years residency.    If you have been here for 5 or more years and do not have an MEU1 or MEU3, then if you can prove your residency for the 5 or more years, you can apply for the two documents at the same time, but you need to explain to Immigration that this is what you are doing. 

Post-Brexit, for those who are regular visitors to Cyprus and who can manage their visits so that the 90 day in any 180 day rule will not affect them, it is not yet known if a visa is likely to be required.   Further announcements are likely in due course. 

Driving Licences

If you live in Cyprus then you should convert your driving licence to a Cypriot one.    If you are only a regular visitor to the Island, you can obtain an International Driving Permit 1949 from a Post Office in the UK.

If you click on the link below and state the country where you will wish to drive, you will see what permit is required.