Saturday, January 18, 2020

KAMARES - Did you see anything on 7 January?

Unfortunately a Kamares resident suffered a break in whilst they were out on 7 January.

That same evening another resident was startled to find an intruder in her garden.  This person triggered the security lights and ran off.   The intruder was described as slim, medium height and youngish as he was very agile as he ran away.   He was wearing a dark coloured hoodie so his face could not be seen.

This incident was close to the Kamares Club.   Did anyone see anyone behaving strangely in the area on the night of 7 January?  Did anyone see a strange vehicle in the area?  Did anyone's security cameras pick up the image of a person running through their garden or past their house which might help Police identify the culprit?

If you did, could you please contact Paphos CID Department.

Thank you.