Friday, December 20, 2019


in-cyprus 19 December 2019 -Edited by

Inspired by a similar study by the Centre for Equality Advancement, an associate NGO in Lithuania,  Akti Project and Research Centre has surveyed the number of streets in the towns of Nicosia, Larnaca and Paphos named after women.
It found the results — announced to coincide with the anniversary of adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women —  discouraging.
“Our male-dominated society is eloquently reflected in the names of the streets of Larnaca, Paphos and Nicosia,” it said adding that it would be continuing its research in Limassol.
Akti found that in the three towns only one quarter of roads named after women are named after contemporary Cypriot women — 0.5% of all the streets in Larnaca (five). In Paphos of the total  of streets named after contemporary women, one in two were for Cypriots while in Nicosia the ratio is  fewer than one in seven.
As regards streets named after contemporary Cypriot men, in Larnaca the rate was 39%, in Paphos 59% and in Nicosia 44% of the total named after contemporary  men in general.
In Paphos, 910 roads (57.69%) have a man’s name, 10.11% are named after a woman and the remaining 32.3% other names including dates, locations and ideals. The names of modern women account for only 2.75%, and of modern Cypriot women for 1.32% whereas for contemporary men it is 39.67%.
In Nicosia, of the 593 roads only 8.83% gave the name of woman, whereas 91.27% have the name of men. The names of contemporary women account for 4.05% and contemporary men for 42.33%.
Of 1088 streets in Larnaca,  just over half (51.65%) are bear the names of men — from antiquity to modern times, but only 9.66% are named after women. The remainder 38.69% are named after significant historical events or dates, geographical designations and ideals such as peace and freedom. The number of streets named after a modern woman is 2.02% and after modern men 34.47%.

The NGO plans to continue its survey in Limassol.