in-cyprus 23 October 2019 -Edited by Bouli Hadjioannou
“Neuter one, save one hundred” the Young Greens have launched a pet neutering campaign for which they have secured special prices, exclusively for vet fees.
Animal shelters are struggling to cope with stray animals, the vast majority abandoned by their owners.
The government has launched a free micro chip programme for dogs and sets asides funds for the neutering of cats — measures which have been welcomed as a step in the right direction but inadequate given the extent of the problem.
In an announcement about their campaign, the Young Greens note that neutering an animal contributes to reducing the number of strays. The uncontrolled reproduction of animals and the overpopulation of strays results in a large numbers not being able to find homes, the Young Greens said adding that neutering has also been found to increase the longevity of pets.
The campaign organisers have secured the following prices: €40 for female cats and €25 for male cats. Prices for dogs vary according to the size — €80 for large female dogs and €70 for small ones and €70 for large males and €60 for small males.
For further information contact the Young Greens on 22518074 or 99745366.
The Young Greens have clarified that they will have no financial benefit from the campaign.