Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Cyprus Mail 16 October 2019 - article by George Psyllides

Electricity company (EAC) workers decided on Wednesday to stage a two-hour warning strike on the morning of October 24 over various labour matters that remain unresolved.
Following a meeting, the unions announced a two-hour stoppage between 7.30am and 9.30am next Thursday and did not rule out escalating their action depending on developments.
The unions said salaries were among a series of problems faced by the EAC and the workers, which had remained unresolved for a long time.
“Our general councils unanimously expressed their displeasure and concern over the situation, which affects the EAC’s viability and smooth operation,” the unions said.
The unions demand restoration of their salaries – cut in 2012 in an austerity drive — following a decision of the administrative court and to keep their private healthcare insurance despite the implementation of the national health scheme.
Trouble is also brewing at the Republic’s two ports in Limassol and Larnaca where workers announced a 24-hour strike for Friday because the management has not yet signed the collective agreement.
Workers also said they will abstain from overtime work effective Wednesday.
The two unions, PEO and SEK, said they had given several warnings but to no avail.
“This cannot continue because it appears it has been interpreted as a weakness,” the unions said.
The workers said they would consider escalating their measures depending on developments.