Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PROTECT YOURSELF FROM BURGLARY - tips from the Crime Prevention Office

PROTECT YOURSELF FROM BURGLARY - Tips from the Crime Prevention Office

Cyprus Police suggests the adoption of the following measures as ways to protect your property:

1  Lock up when you leave your house, regardless if you are going to be away for a short period of time.  Entry is frequently gained through unlocked doors and windows.

2  Keep your shutters and curtains closed - it will prevent burglars from looking inside your home.

3  Do not open the door before you see who the visitor is.

4  Fit a door chain and door viewer [spy hole].  Fit strong locks to external doors and windows.   Windows could be fitted with extra security systems.

5  Never give your house keys to cleaners or other persons.

6  Never leave a spare key in a hiding place such as under the doormat or in/under a flowerpot.

7  Always remove keys from door locks.

8  Do not leave your house keys in the car when you take it for washing, repairing or servicing.

9  Install security lighting.

10 Fit an alarm security system.   Set up a check system for the batteries on a regular basis and ensure that the SIM card to alert your mobile phone is paid and functioning.  See further information on this at the end of this item.

11 When you are out in the evening, leave your lights on.  You may wish to instal a timer switch.

12 Do not let anyone know of any valuables you keep at home.

13 Do not keep large amounts of money at home.

14 Valuables are best kept in safe boxes or bank safety deposit boxes.  Keeping photos of your valuables might be useful in case these are stolen.    Please also ensure that any safe used in the home is suitable for purpose and that it is anchored to the floor or something substantial.

15 If you live in a block of flats, make sure the common entrance is kept locked.  Fit a compact door and a safety lock.

16 Try to get to know your neighbours and make sure you build a relationship of trust and mutual support with them.

17 If you realise someone has broken into your house, call the police immediately and wait outside at a safe distance.

18 When you are out forward your calls to your cell phone or to the phone of someone you trust.  Avoid leaving messages on the voice machine announcing that you are not at home.

19 Keep your tools and ladders securely locked up.

20 Do not advertise any absence on social media.

Remember, burglars prefer easy targets.  Make your home a difficult target for burglars; reduce your risk of being burgled.


Given the number of burglaries on the island generally, it is always useful to check that your intruder alarm is operating correctly.  Advice has been given in the past regarding batteries, but this time the advice is regarding SIM cards.  Police have also added that it is worth carrying out a monthly check on your SIM card to ensure it is functioning correctly and that renewal has not been overlooked.

If your alarm system sends out alarm activations or alerts via GSM SIM card, please take some time to ensure that your SIM card is working correctly. If it is not, then you will not receive a text message should your premises fall victim to burglars.

In the case of a SIM 'pay as you go', this must be topped up with €10 of credit every year. If it does not get topped up, the card will be disconnected - and the first you will know about it will be when you do not get an alert text message in the event of a breakin.

If you have an annual contract SIM card, as long as you, or your alarm company, pays the SIM card bill annually or monthly, the SIM card will never be disconnected and will always work.

There have been instances recently where it was thought that the alarm had not worked correctly. However, it was found that the problem lay with the SIM card.   Despite being on an annual contract with an alarm company, some SIM cards had been deactivated - most likely because of non-payment of monthly accounts either by the homeowner or the alarm company - the system, therefore, was unable to send text messages to alert the homeowner and/or alarm company.


Set off the alarm. Let it ring for about 30 seconds to give the SIM card chance to send out the text messages to the numbers stored in the system.  If you do not receive a message, then it is likely that the SIM has been deactivated.

You can also call the alarm SIM card number. It will ring if it is working. If it has been deactivated you will get a Cypriot voice message, followed in English, stating the number is not active.

It is recommended that a regular monthly test is carried out so that you ensure your system operates correctly in the event of a breakin or attempt thereat.