Cyprus Mail 15 July 2019 - Article by Eleni Philippou
Music consumes the life of pianist Tatiana Stupak, who has played at more than 60 events over the last four years and was recently awarded by President Anastasiades in recognition of her considerable charitable work. In her upcoming concert on Wednesday, she will tackle another instrument she’s passionate about; the church organ.
This admiration for the organ began when she was being piano trained at the Special School of the St Petersburg Conservatory. Captivated by the sometimes-dramatic sounds of the organ she decided to learn the organ as well.
“The organ can make me feel calm and at peace,” said Tatiana, “reminding me of my times playing in churches. But the organ can also produce very dramatic sounds which I love, which reflect my own life.”
Her concert at Limassol’s St. Catherine’s Catholic Church will feature music by Bach though not all pieces were written for the church organ. Much of Bach’s music is very versatile, as Tatiana explains, and can be played successfully on other instruments. One sonata will be played on violin and organ, although it was written for violin and harpsichord.
The Bach violin sonata will be played by Olivera Rialas, from Belgrade, who has now settled in Limassol and sometimes helps Tatiana at her music school. “Two of my school’s piano students, Ekaterina Radaeva and Margarita Losikova will also play at this organ concert, and they have recently been getting accustomed to the different technique required on the organ keyboard; it will be their first organ performance in public.”
Organ Recital
Recital by Tatiana Stupak playing Bach. July 17. St Catherine's Catholic Church, Limassol. 8pm-9pm. €5. Tel: 25-362946