Friday, June 21, 2019


in-cyprus 21 June 2019 - Edited by

Tenders will soon be launched for the installation of traffic cameras, a long-sought tool to stem the bloodshed on the island’s roads.
The announcement was made by Transport Minister Vassiliki Anastasiadou during the signing of an agreement for a single integrated government IT network.
She said that the ministry will later today announce plans to launch the tender on the eProcurement website. Tenders will then be invited one week after.
The plan is to install 110 cameras, 20 of which will be mobile to monitor speed and traffic lights.
Officials had initially said the cameras will be installed at the end of 2019 but later moved the date to 2020 citing legal issues in the tender terms identified by the Law Office of the Republic.
Then Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou said earlier this year that this was necessary so that there are no legal challenges to the tenders which may lead to further delay.
Cyprus has been without traffic cameras for 12 years after the company awarded the contract was successfully challenged in court by a competitor.

Police have long been calling for the return of cameras they say will be instrumental in reducing fatalities and making roads safer.