Monday, November 19, 2018

STREET LIGHTING - TALA - Replacement of sodium high pressure lights with LED

Update to the post in September:

Tala Council have agreed to the proposal by the Electricity Board that over 600 sodium high pressure lights will be replaced with modern LED light fixtures.   This results in a considerable sum to be paid by Tala Council, but this cost will be reduced as these will be cheaper to operate, and the EAC are offering an 8 year warranty for the fixtures so they will be maintenance-free for 8 years, except for any costs arising due to malicious damage or traffic accidents.

Tala Council are still awaiting a schedule for when the works will be carried out.  In the meantime, maintenance work on the existing sodium high pressure lights will not be carried out given that they will be replaced 'shortly'.   If the dates provided in due course mean a lengthy delay, then this position will be reviewed, assuming the EAC can supply the necessary parts/bulbs.

Regarding the 'swan neck' type lights, of which there are over 800 in Tala, these will remain unchanged, and the EAC will carry out maintenance on these as standard.

For the time being please continue to ring 1800 with a note of the pole no and street name, for the swan neck type fittings only.

September post:

Regarding street lighting, the Electricity Board have been cataloguing the various light fittings used in each area and it appears that repairs in the meantime have been put on the back burner.   Tala Council has now been presented with a proposal to replace over 600 sodium high pressure lights and this is being considered.

Pending a decision by the Council, the Electricity Board are not carrying out repairs or replacement of street light fittings if they are of the Sodium type [there are in excess of 800 ‘swan neck’ fitting lights in addition to the Sodium ones].   If you have a street light bulb that needs replacing or is faulty, could you please email me on in the first instance instead of ringing 1800.   Tala Council have found a ‘work round’ solution in the short term and will endeavour to get lighting issues resolved via this route.

As previously please supply the number from the pole, and the street name.