Saturday, November 24, 2018


Cyprus Mail - article by George Psyllides 23 November 2018

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will visit RAF Akrotiri on December 5 to meet with British troops serving in Cyprus, families living on the base, and other personnel and members of the local community, it was announced on Friday.
In a Twitter message, Kensington Palace said William and Kate will undertake two engagements in London and in Cyprus in support of deployed military personnel and their families who will be apart over the festive period.

“Across these two engagements Their Royal Highnesses wish to deliver a message of support to deployed personnel and to acknowledge the fact that many Serving personnel are away from their families at this time of the year.”
On December 4, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will host a Christmas party supported by @PoppyLegion in London for families and children of deployed personnel from RAF Coningsby and RAF Marham serving in Cyprus.