Thursday, November 22, 2018


Draft Withdrawal Agreement and Outline Political Declaration

Find out how we've made decisive progress delivering Brexit.


This deal delivers on the referendum:

  • It takes back control of our borders and ends free movement
  • It takes back control of our money so we can spend it on our priorities, like our long-term plan for the NHS
  • It takes back control of our laws ending the jurisdiction of the CJEU, coming out of the Common Agricultural Policy and out of the Common Fisheries Policy
  • It maintains jobs, security and the integrity of our precious United Kingdom

What are the main features of the Draft Withdrawal Agreement?

  • Citizens’ rights protected
  • Implementation period until 2020
  • A fair financial settlement
  • A UK-wide temporary customs backstop
  • A robust dispute settlement mechanism, including independent arbitration
  • Agreements on Gibraltar and Cyprus

What does the Outline Political Declaration aim to do?

  • Ending free movement
  • Visa-free travel for tourists and short-term business visits
  • A free trade area for goods with zero tariffs
  • Fair and open competition
  • Leaving the Common Agricultural Policy
  • Leaving the Common Fisheries Policy
  • Ambitious arrangements for trade in services, alongside new arrangements on financial services
  • Close relationship on foreign policy and defence
  • Cooperation on tackling crime and terrorism, to keep people safe
  • New and specific arrangements on digital
  • Market access for freight and passenger road transport
  • Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement
  • Efficient electricity and gas trade