Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Tala newsletter              September 2017 

This tax, payable to the taxation authorities in Paphos, was scrapped after payment last year.   This tax is, therefore, no longer payable.

This tax continues to be payable to Tala Council.  The tax this year will be based on the 2013 property valuation [which means that those who previously had not declared any build on their land so that they only paid tax based on the land value should no longer be able to avoid payment].   The rate applied to the 2013 valuation has been calculated so that the tax payable should be very similar to that paid in previous years for the majority of people.

If you have acquired your title deeds within the last 12 months so that this is the first time you have been due to pay the tax, please take your title deeds into the council office when you go to pay so that the staff can check the information against their records.

As previously, where the property is registered in joint names, the tax will be payable by both owners, with the total tax payable split between the owners equally.

Please note that the rate applied to the 2013 value will vary between areas, and councils and municipalities in that area.

This tax is payable once you have your title deeds.   Demand notices are not issued and it is the responsibility of every property owner to settle their accounts.   Please note that payment must be made before 18th December to avoid payment of a 25% penalty.  

The amount payable for rates for 2017 will be the same as last year.   Notices have recently been issued.  For 2017, the taxation bands will be as follows:

A – Community Tax/Rates:
1.Luxury Villas [300m or more with a pool]                                  €200- €500
2.Detached Houses                                                                          €170
3.Maisonettes, or houses over 2 sites on shared plot                      €120
4.Single room stone village house within the village                     €  50
5.Apartments                                                                                   €110
6.Pensioners with low income [less than €700 total per month*]  €  80
7.Underpriviledged families                                                           €  80
8.Land Plots/parcels.  Co-owners charged accordingly                 €  60
9.Owners of more than one piece of land                                      €100
10.Small companies                                                                       €100-€500
11.Large companies                                                                       €850-€4,000
12.Radiostations, tv stations, masts/aerials, etc                             €500
13.Houses under construction                                                        €100
14  Those who sell up and leave the island, will be due to pay based on the period of ownership of their property.

 B – Refuse Collection/Cleaning Tax and Business Tax
1.For each residential unit apart from a] and b] below                    €100
                a] single room stone village houses                                 €  50
                b] pensioners on low incomes [less than €700 per month*]
                     and underpriviledged families                                    € 50                        
2.Small shops, mini markets                                                           €150
3 Restaurants, pubs, tavernas                                                          €250
4.Coffee shops                                                                                 € 50
5.Periptero,  Visteria                                                                       €500
6.Pharmacy                                                                                     €300
7.Co-operative Bank                                                                       €500
8.Monastery cafeteria                                                                     €250
9  Betting shop                                                                               €250

*Anyone who falls into this category must prove their income to the satisfaction of the Council.   Original bank statements [for UK and Cypriot accounts] will be required, as will written confirmation from any pension providers.   Additional documentation may be required, depending on circumstances.  If you fall into this category, please submit your details in writing to the council office.

In addition to the above:
1.Large families are entitled to a 25% discount and families with 3 children 10% for both assessments providing no other category of deduction applies.  The reduction is subject to presentation of renewed large family cards or certificates relating to dependent children.  If no large family card is available, birth certificates of all dependent children must be presented.
2.Vacant homes and homes under construction are excluded from the refuse tax.  Houses uninhabited for some time will be judged individually.
3.For each additional vacant house to the main residence, an additional € 50 is payable if the taxpayer is taxed already for another house. (eg  an owner is taxed on the residence where he lives €170 tax for community services and € 100 refuse. If he has another house which remains vacant the owner  will pay another amount for community services  of € 50.)
4.Single adults who work and live with their parents € 50. Those who are unemployed or are students are excluded.
5. Long standing dormant companies will be taxed €50 for each apartment.

These taxes can be paid in instalments.   Please contact the Council Office before 18th December to discuss.

For those who have elected to pay by direct debit,  payment will be taken on or around the 20th October.  An exact date cannot be given as once the Council apply to the Banks, control is out of our hands.   At the time of writing this newsletter, Tala Council is still waiting for acceptance on the JCC Smart system, so unfortunately payment cannot yet be made online.

Transfer of the water from Leptos [for parts of Kamares] to Tala has not yet taken place.  Further information will be provided once the transfer date is agreed.

For some reason, there appears to be mis-information circulating again regarding the new Tala Cemetery.

Those who live in or own property in Tala, and have paid the Tala cemetery tax,  are eligible to purchase plots in the cemetery and to be buried there.   The rate for a single plot is €850, or €900 for a double two-tier plot.  Alternatively, a side-by-side double plot can be purchased at €1,700.  
Those who are not resident in Tala and/or who have not paid the cemetery tax would be classed as ‘non residents’ and the rate for a single plot for those in this category is currently €3,000.

Those who have been away over the summer months may be unaware that there is now collection of recycling materials [cans, plastics and paper/cardboard] from your door on a Monday.   Collection will be from 7.30am onwards and recycling should be left in the appropriate containers [see below] either alongside your binhouse [not inside please!] or alongside your green refuse bin, or, if your complex has them, in the appropriate recycling bins [in which case the recycling can be placed into the bins loose].

1     -    PMD [plastics, metals and tetra pak containers] – in a transparent bag so contents are visible.  Please ensure that the items have been washed out.
2      -   Paper/card – in a transparent brown/black bag, or in a cardboard box [you can pick up a box from the Visteria Kiosk cardboard recycling bin, or Mack’s Pool & Home Maintenance], or wrapped in string

Suitable bags are available at the supermarkets.

If you wish to support Cans for Kids, there are suitable containers for these at either the Kamares Club or the UKCA Club.

Regarding Glass, there is no collection at your door and glass and bottles should please be placed in the appropriate glass recycling container at the following locations:

1 Ayios Neofytous Avenue near to the Monastery
2 Mary Leptos Street/Koralion St junction
3 Kamares Club
4 Tala Primary School
5  Next to the Football pitch
6  Tala Monastery Cat park car park 

If you have not yet completed the questionnaire could you please do so as soon as possible and either email it to Cathi on, drop it into the council office, or, if you are a Kamares resident, leave it in Box 19 at the Kamares Club.

As we have an ageing population, it is essential to obtain your views on the need for community transport and whether or how you would use this.

If the street light near to your property is not working, please phone the Electricity Board direct on 1800.  You will need the number from the metal disc on the pole as this has to be quoted, together with the street name.  The Electricity Board will also take your name and phone number so that they can phone you if they cannot find the fault when they come out.

Please allow up to 21 working days for repairs to be carried out - although most of the time the repair is carried out well within this time frame.

Following on from the Police presentation, security information and any security updates can be found by going to the right hand corner ‘Categories’ and clicking on Security on

Everyone is encouraged to sign up for the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.   This does not commit you to forming committees or patrols, but is an agreement to be the eyes and ears of the Police and report any suspicious activity or vehicles to them.   We have an undertaking from the Police to carry out regular vehicular patrols of the Tala area.   To maintain this service, as a community we need to show support to the Police and this can be done by signing up to the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
To sign up you can either email your name, address, mobile number and email address to Cathi on or call into the council office and provide this information to the staff there.  For the time being any security alerts will be by email.

On under Security there is a Get to Know Your Neighbour form.  This is available in English, Greek, Russian and Chinese.  If you are unable to print the form[s] from the blog, please email Cathi and she will send you the documents.   It is felt that by getting to know your neighbour, this will help make more people aware of the neighbourhood watch scheme, enable people to notice strangers in the area, or suspicious activity and thus reduce the number of thefts.   
There are also A5 stickers available for those who have signed up to the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.  These can be obtained at Tala Council office at a cost of €1 for two stickers.   Proceeds will go to charity.

Suspicious activity should please be reported to the Police on 122.   Thereafter, it would be helpful if you could  let Cathi know what has happened by sending her a short email so she can liaise with the Police and/or alert the community if needed.

- The main targets of the burglars are cash and jewellery.   Please do not keep large amounts of cash on your property and, wherever possible, use a bank safe or install a heavy duty safe in your home, for valuables. 
-If the electric street light outside your home fails, please phone the Electricity Board direct on 1800 quoting the number from the plate attached to the pole and the street name.  

-There have been a number of thefts recently involving water – please bear in mind that once water has gone through your meter, whether due to theft or leakage, the cost falls on the owner of the property.  It is recommended, therefore, that a lock be fitted to your outside supply to prevent theft.   Wherever possible,  a weekly meter reading should be taken and retained as this will then highlight if there is a problem.

-Re electricity, there have been a couple of incidents where burglars have interrupted the electricity supply from the meter cupboard to see if an owner is at home.   You can purchase a padlock, to which only you and the Electricity Board will have keys,  from  the Electricity Board in Pafos.

16                           The Story of the Blues – The Zilla Project featuring Elias Zaikos and guests – Tala                                 Amphitheatre.  Tickets €10/€5
20                           Songs without Borders – Pafos2017 event with Vakia Stavrou and Cyprus                                              Symphony  Orchestra – Tala Amphitheatre.  Tickets €10
23/24                     Re-Take That tribute to Take That – Tala Amphitheatre – Karen Kendall event.                                      Tickets €17*
28                          Asian Night at the Kamares Club with Colin Wright on sax and Louise Vreony.
30                          PapaGeorgio String Quartet – Music Cinescape – music from well known films.                                   €10  payable on the door.  Tickets also available from Visteria Kiosk, Amphitheatre
                             Cafe or Tala Council office.

Weekends              Cyprus Open Studios - various artists and locations across the island on Saturdays
                              and Sundays through the month of October.  Information on                                                         
3-7                        Silly Cow by Ben Elton at Stage One Theatre, Emba.  Tickets available from 11                                    September.
13/14                    Jon Hicks exhibition of paintings – J & J Art Works, Tala Square
31                         Halloween at the Kamares Club- further information available in due course.

7                           Cliff Richard tribute – Vatouthkia Restaurant, near Tala [Kendall Events].  Tickets                              available shortly.
10/11/12               Exhibition of paintings by Michael Kearsy – J & J Art Works, Tala Square

5-9                        Fiddler on the Roof at Stage One Theatre, Emba [tickets available from 13                                            November]
8/9/10                   Exhibition of paintings by Karen Bevis – J & J Art Works, Tala Square
13                         Christmas Party at the Kamares Club with DJ Marcos – further information                                          available  in due course.
16                         Little Eagle tribute to The Eagles – Acropolis Tavern, Tremithousa – a Karen                                        Kendall event.  Tickets now available.

Details of the above can be found on as information is released.

Events at Kamares Club must be booked direct with the Kamares Club Reception -  26 880576. 

* Tickets available from Visteria Kiosk, Amphitheatre Café, Computer SOS,  and Carmine’s Cards & Gifts in Peyia, or online on   Tickets can also be reserved for payment and collection on the night via Cathi at

For Vatouthkia events, tickets can be booked via 96 818066, or at Vatouthkia Taverna, Carmine’s in Peyia, or Computer SOS in Chlorakas.

For Acropolis events, tickets can be booked via 96 818066, or at Acropolis Tavern, Carmine’s in Peyia or Computer SOS in Chlorakas.

For Stage One events, please book direct with Stage One Theatre in Emba.  Box office 99 967737, email:

Next issue 1 February 2018

Areti Pieridou