A few simple steps which can help reduce water consumption
and your water bill:
1 1 Backwashing
of swimming pools. Often carried
out by pool cleaners on a weekly basis as part of their maintenance.
This practice consumes a large amount of water and is usually
unnecessary unless your pool has a large volume of use or is dirty. You will know that it is time to perform
the backwashing routine when the pressure gauge indicates a pressure rise of
8-10 pounds above the clean or "startup" pressure. If your pool has only slight use and is not
dirty, ensure your pool cleaner does not backwash until the pressure gauge
indicates it is needed.
2 2 Ensure you have a fully loaded dish washer and/or washing machine before using.
3 3 Take a plastic bottle [size will be determined
by the size of your cistern] filled with stones, sand or water, screw the top on, and place it into your toilet cistern. This will reduce the quantity of water used
to flush. Ensure it is placed away from
the operating mechanism. Ensure at least
3 gallons of water remain in the cistern to ensure efficient flushing. Remember too the old saying - if it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down!
4 4 Take showers
instead of baths.
5 5 Do not
leave the tap running whilst brushing your teeth, cleaning a razor or washing
6 6 Take a water meter reading on a weekly basis
and keep a note of this. Mark on this list if you have had visitors or if there was a week when for some reason you used more water than usual. If you have a water leak, or your water is being stolen, you will pick this up sooner. You also have something to check your water bill against. If you don't have meter readings to hand, by the time your bill appears you will not be able to remember if or why your consumption was higher than usual.
7 7 Keep a
bottle of water in the fridge for drinking – this avoids running the
drinking water until it is cold
8 8
watering of your garden – if plants are well established daily watering is
not required. Plants in pots will require more regular watering as they dry out. Plant using drought
friendly varieties. If you have a
watering system, use this early morning or late evening to avoid water wastage
due to evaporation. Also avoid using a
sprinkler system when it is windy as the wind is likely to disperse the spray
away from the intended area. Invest in a
timer based control for automatic garden watering [useful if you tend to set the watering system running and forget about it for several hours!] – but you will also need a check in place to
monitor if the batteries need changing.
9 9 If you
spend a lot of time away from your property, fit a lock to your outside tap –
this will prevent theft or unauthorised use of your water. Remember once water has gone through your meter, you will be charged for it - regardless of whether you have used it, it has been stolen or you have a leak.