Thursday, June 22, 2017


Regrettably it would appear that due to low levels in the reservoirs, the water board are struggling to get sufficient supply through the pipe network.  This has meant that they are switching the supply on and off.   This then has a knock on effect as Tala is effectively at the end of the chain - which means that pressure drops for most users in Tala and there is a problem with tanks filling up [with those lower down the chain getting their supply first, and then there is little or nothing left for everyone else].  Not everyone will have noticed a difference, but those at the 'top of the hills' have not had any supply through their water pipes for several days now.

We are trying to speak to the Director of the Water Board to find an urgent solution to this problem.  Until then could everyone please:

1  Be careful with supplies
2  Stop or reduce non-essential activities
3  Operate washing machines and dish washers only when they have a full load.  If possible, set these to run late evening when demands on water are lower
4  Take showers rather than baths

Further information follows as soon as we can.