Friday, June 2, 2017


Tala newsletter                       June 2017 

There is still no news on the transfer of the water from Leptos to Tala Council and further information will be provided in due course.

Agreement has been reached with the Water Department to build a new water tank.   This will mean that, once built, water will be pumped up from Kissonerga instead of the current system via Tremithousa.    We are also in negotiation with the Water Board regarding replacement of some of the water pipes in Lofos to reduce the interruptions in supply.

The Square, Phase 1, was officially handed over to Tala Council on 6 April.   The road network around the village core, Phase 2, will go out to tender later this year, with a view to the work starting around October.    As previously mentioned, some additional carparking spaces will be created on Mavrovounio Street [the road leading up to the square from the school] and disabled parking on the road outside the Council office.  

Regarding the businesses in the square:
- Yasmeni is closed following the death of the owner, Peter, before Easter.  It is not known if or when this business will re-open.
- Voukani, re-opened 29 May, run by the owner of the property and his family.  The business will be open from 8am [with breakfast served from 8.30am] through till late, with a lunch menu and BBQ in the evenings.
-Old  Rosies, Joep and his wife will be running this as an art gallery and gift shop [J&J Artworks Gallery]  which will open early July [see Events].

The asphalting of the dirt-track above the existing road of Karydion [leading up to the new Domenica properties behind St John Prodromos]  was completed by the end of March.  As a result, the unauthorised track through the green area into St John Prodromos has been closed off.

Some 20 odd years ago, a road was created connecting Stephanie Avenue [just above Tremithias where the water tanks are] with Eleftherias Avenue.  At the time, the owner signed the necessary paperwork and the agreed price was paid.   The District Office in Paphos were fully aware of this contract and they asphalted the road.  Since that time various works have been carried out in the area by CYTA and the Electricity Authority but there has been an ongoing legal battle with the heirs of the original owner, with action started by them, dropped and then re-started again around 8 years ago.
For the last five years, the Council have been trying to resolve the matter with the heirs.   They are looking for compensation of some €260,000. We are still in negotiation with them to try and resolve the matter.

Some months ago, some work was carried out to clear weeds on the existing path, but work is necessary to replace the broken concrete and to establish a permanent path.  This is especially needed now that the cleared path suffered storm damage at the end of last year.   Application has  been made for the necessary funding for this project which will establish a nature walk with proper walkways alongside the natural stream.

Application for funding has been sent to the District Office. This construction will be in the land beyond the carpark/children’s play area behind the old church and will be on land owned by the Council.

The annual clean up of Tala is underway and I would ask for your patience as we work our way through the village.  Priority is being given to those areas with the heaviest traffic use/highest fire risk.

Plot owners have been asked to clean their plots. 

The Council is in the process of recruiting an additional outside person, on a temporary basis, to cover this busy period and we will hopefully have someone in place by early June.

Agreement has been reached with Green Dot to collect recycling materials [plastics and paper] from your door.   Further information will be released once a start date has been arranged.

Regrettably some of the Neighbourhood Watch signs have been sprayed with black paint.   We have had reports of a vehicle seen alongside the signs and have been given a description and partial registration plate.   The matter has been reported to the Police. 

Security information and any security updates can be found by going to the right hand corner ‘Categories’ and clicking on Security on

Everyone is encouraged to sign up for the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.   This does not commit you to forming committees or patrols, but is an agreement to be the eyes and ears of the Police and report any suspicious activity or vehicles to them.   We have an undertaking from the Police to carry out regular vehicular patrols of the Tala area.   To maintain this service, as a community we need to show support to the Police and this can be done by signing up to the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.  Sign up from Kamares residents has been outstanding and it would be good to see support from other areas of the village.  To sign up you can either email your name, address, mobile number and email address to Cathi on or call into the council office and provide this information to the staff there.  For the time being any security alerts will be by email.

On under Security there is a Get to Know Your Neighbour form.  This is available in English, Greek, Russian and Chinese.  If you are unable to print the form[s] from the blog, please email Cathi and she will send you the documents.   It is felt that by getting to know your neighbour, this will help make more people aware of the neighbourhood watch scheme, enable people to notice strangers in the area, or suspicious activity and thus reduce criminal activity.   

There are also A5 stickers available for those who have signed up to the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.  These can be obtained at Tala Council office at a cost of €1 for two stickers.   Proceeds will go to charity.

Suspicious activity should be reported to the Police on 112.   Thereafter, it would be helpful if you could  let Cathi know what has happened by sending her a short email [] so she can liaise with the Police and/or alert the community if needed.  Kamares residents can also notify Val Potter.

- The main targets of the burglars are cash and jewellery.   Please do not keep large amounts of cash on your property and, wherever possible, use a bank safe or install a heavy duty safe in your home, for valuables. 
-If the electric street light outside your home fails, please phone the Electricity Board direct on 1800 quoting the number from the plate attached to the pole and the street name.  

-There have been a number of thefts recently involving water – please bear in mind that once water has gone through your meter, whether due to theft or leakage, the cost falls on the owner of the property.  It is recommended, therefore, that a lock be fitted to your outside supply to prevent theft.   Wherever possible,  a weekly meter reading should be taken and retained as this will then highlight if there is a problem.

-Re electricity, there have been a couple of incidents where burglars have interrupted the electricity supply from the meter cupboard to see if an owner is at home.   You can purchase a padlock, to which only you and the Electricity Board will have keys,  from  the Electricity Board in Pafos.

3              Stepping into Summer Fun Day for  Tala  Monastery Cats – Ay Neofytou Monastery Café
8              Summer Fayre – Ollie’s Tremithousa – For Paphiakos
10           Murder Mystery Dinner for Paphos Kidney Assoc – Kamares Club
10/11      Bee Gees Stayin’ Alive Tribute – Kendall Events - Tala Amphitheatre – tickets now on sale
16/17      Jon Hicks Paintings – Joep’s Gallery, behind Tala Square
23           Fleetwood Bac Tribute – Kendall Events - Tala Amphitheatre – tickets now on sale
24           Cyprus Symphony Orchestra – ‘Linking Continents – Bridging Cultures’ – Tala                                    Amphitheatre -     Pafos2017  event.  Free entry – no tickets required
27           Fleetwood Bac Tribute – Kendall Events – Tala Amphitheatre – tickets now on sale  
8 & 9      Majesty -  Queen Tribute – Kendall Events – Tala Amphitheatre – tickets available shortly
8             Opening of J&J Artworks Gallery, Tala Square – 7pm to 9pm
22/23     The Stones – Rolling Stones Tribute – Kendall Events – Tala Amphitheatre – tickets                              available  shortly.
28           Around the Pool with the Three Decadez at the Kamares Club - Vintage, Abba, 80s and more.                            Further information available in due course.
9              Koulis Theodorou – Thanos Microutsikos meets Mano Loizo.  Greek music – further                             information available in due course
17            Tropical Paradise Pool Party – Kamares Club – further details available in due course

9 /10      Bob Wyper in Rod Stewart Tribute – Kendall Events – Tala Amphitheatre
20           Songs without Borders – Cypriot songwriter & singer Vakia Stavrou – Tala                                            Amphitheatre.    Pafos2017 event.   Tickets available online now.
21           Flautist – provisional - further details available in due course
23/24     Re-Take That – Take That tribute – Kendall Events – Tala Amphitheatre
30           Papageorgio String Quartet – Music of the Cinema and Popular soundtracks – further                        details  available in due course.

3-7          Silly Cow by Ben Elton at Stage One Theatre, Emba – details available in due course.

Details of the above can be found on as information/tickets are released.
Events at Kamares Club must be booked direct with the Club.    For Kendall events, tickets can be booked online on  or on 96 818066.  For Stage One events, please book direct with Stage One Theatre in Emba – booking office opens September for October performance.

 For the September Pafos2017 event, tickets can be booked online on

Next issue 1 October 2017

Areti Pieridou