Tuesday, April 25, 2017


The following have been recommended

1  Instal a lock on the electricity meter cupboard.  There have been a number of occasions around Paphos where the power has been switched off apparently to see if there is anyone in the property who reacts.  If no-one appears, then a burglary usually occurs.

The Electricity Board have padlocks which can be purchased for €19.04 - these come with two keys and the Board has a master key.  If you fit a lock of your own then you would need to ensure that the meter cupboard is open for readings.

If you visit the Electricity Board, take with you a bill showing your name and account details.  As you enter the building, take a ticket from the machine - Click C - and take a seat until your number comes up on the boards in the central area.  Ask for a padlock for your meter cupboard and they will give you a receipt.

2  Fit a lock onto any outside water source.   There have been a number of occasions over the last 8 months when an external water source has been used to steal water.

Also, please take a regular water meter reading [or ask neighbours to do so if you are not here]. Weekly is suggested as it then becomes quickly apparent if you have a leak, or if someone is stealing your supply.    

Once water has gone through your meter, then you are responsible for the charges incurred.