Monday, April 24, 2017

ADOPT A BIRD [Feathered variety!]

From incyprus Local News 24 April 2017

An innovative idea to raise awareness about the birds of Cyprus gives an opportunity to people to adopt a bird and support critical conservation work.

BirdLife Cyprus, an NGO dedicated to the conservation of wild birds and their habitats in Cyprus, has come up with a new way to draw public support by asking people to become adoptive parents.
“The idea is simple,” according to a BirdLife Cyprus which is asking people to adopt a bird symbolically.

“By making a €35 donation to BirdLife Cyprus and symbolically adopting a bird, you receive a tangible symbol of your offer to nature and you support BirdLife Cyprus’ work,” a statement said on Monday.

The tangible symbol refers to unique bird illustrations created by local artist Daphne Christoforou, who drew three bird species: the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus, the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus and the European Roller Coracias garrulus.

The birds are a conservation priority in both Cyprus and Europe and depend on habitats that BirdLife Cyprus works hard to protect, such as wetlands, farmlands and grazing lands.

“Birds are mesmerizing creatures. They provide the link to what is wild and free. They evoke beauty, wonder and inspiration and connect us to the rhythm of the natural world,” said BirdLife Cyprus.
The NGO also sends out the message that birds are a vital part of nature’s balance. “Loss of birds is a threat to other species, nature and ultimately humankind,” the advocate group said, calling on people to support the cause and also get a stunning illustration in return.