Friday, December 16, 2022



16-12-2022 13:40

Ceremony for the Donation of a Geological Sample of the Moon by the Government of the United States to the Republic of Cyprus

The year 2022 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo XVII (17) mission, as well as the first Artemis Mission, which was launched last November with the aim to return to lunar exploration that had initially started with the Apollo missions. Consequently, on this auspicious 50th anniversary it is with feelings of gratitude and sincere appreciation that we receive today from the US government, at this solemn ceremony at the Presidential Palace, a geological sample of the Moon collected during the Apollo 17 lunar mission of 1972.  This particular lunar sample, mounted on a wooden plague above a flag of the Republic of Cyprus will be permanently and proudly displayed (in the Presidential Palace) and will serve as another token of the strong bonds that unite and characterize our two countries and people.

Since today’s event was inspired by the Apollo 17 mission, which was concluded on December 19th 1972, I would like to share with you a well-known short story on space exploration:  When the Eagle lunar lander carrying Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969, Armstrong was the first one out proclaiming for the ages: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. "I have the sense, dear guests, that the Cyprus - US relations have taken giant leaps in the recent years, and these giant leaps were possible by making small steps each time, day by day, month by month. And today's occasion is just another example of a step closer towards the enhancement of our bilateral relations.

In this respect, I am particularly pleased to note the evolution and deepening of our bilateral relations through the plethora of joint ventures and initiatives  that have taken place during the last few years including the signing of a statement of Intent on Security Issues, our joint commitment and cooperation in the fight against terrorism  and  the  illegal trafficking of drugs and human beings, the Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act, the US investment in CYCLOPS, the participation of the USA in the 3+1 mechanisms, the renewal of the Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement, to name a few. Furthermore, the involvement of US Energy giants like Exxon Mobil, Noble and Chevron in our Exclusive Economic Zone and the participation of the USA as an observer in the East Mediterranean Gas Forum are tangible examples of US interest in our region and a vote of confidence to the role that Cyprus can play in the energy field. Lastly, we welcomed last fall the announcement of the State Department to lift the arms embargo for the coming fiscal year as a political milestone and another testament of the trust built between the two countries. As as President Anastasiades rightly stated and I quote “This is a landmark decision, reflecting the burgeoning strategic relations between the two countries, including in the area of security” end of quote.

The close friendship and collaboration between the Republic of Cyprus and the USA is characterized by our common adherence to the rule of law, democratic values, respect of human rights and freedom. Moreover, we work tirelessly to address challenges such as the covid19 pandemic, terrorism, cyber and maritime security, climate change – I know that this is an issue close to the heart for Ambassador Garber, whilst one of our common objectives is the promotion of stability, security and prosperity of the countries and the people of our region, the Eastern Mediterranean.

Naturally, the greatest challenge faced by all Cypriots is addressing the division of our country caused by the illegal Turkish invasion and continuous occupation.  In this respect, I avail myself of this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the USA’s principled stance on our efforts to reach a viable, functional and lasting solution to the Cyprus problem, a settlement   that will reunify the island and its people based on the agreed UN framework of a bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality, as set out in the relevant Security Council Resolutions, and in accordance to the international law and the values and principles of the European Union.

Lastly, Dear Ambassador Garber, Dear Judy, I would be remiss if I did not pay tribute to your successful assignment and in particular, to your tireless efforts during your tenure in Cyprus to deepen and enhance the collaboration between our two countries in various fields such as the political, economic, commercial, cultural, scientific or in the area of energy and, security and defence. 

I take thus this opportunity to express, on behalf of President Anastasiades and the Government and people of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as on my own behalf, our most heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for all that you have achieved during your tenure here and at the same time convey our warmest wishes for every success in your future endeavours.  We consider both you and Paul close friends and we are all sad that you are leaving. Nevertheless, friends are always welcome back home, to Cyprus.

Thank you.

Ευχαριστώ, κυρία Πρέσβη, ευχαριστούμε  αγαπητή  Judy.

(Το κείμενο όπως απεστάλη από τη Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων)