Monday, May 30, 2022


 Filenews 30 May 2022

Above and below, NATO has once again been done by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who -apart from the harsh words he utters against the USA, Greece and Cyprus- appears to be a staple against the North Atlantic Alliance, on the occasion of the accession of Sweden and Finland.

For which, it seems, he is determined to extract significant quid pro quo, as a few days ago he announced to the world public his intention to invade again against the Kurdish provinces in northern Syria.

According to the British newspaper  The Express, the Greek-Turkish dispute over the solution of the Cyprus problem may be the last obstacle to NATO's hopes of Sweden and Finland joining the Alliance in order to counter the threat from Russia.

As stated in a report, Turkey is considering putting the regime of the pseudo-state of Cyprus on the table in order to accept the accession of two Scandinavian countries to the defence alliance.

A source close to the pseudo-state's "president", Ersin Tatar, confirmed that she phoned President Erdogan to ask for the pseudo-state regime to be put on the NATO table.

The source said: "I am aware that the phone call was made and I understand that President Tatar received a positive response. Why not use every lever of pressure we can in this situation? Greece and Cyprus have used their EU veto to prevent any progress from being made and it is time to resolve this injustice."

Tatar revealed in an interview with the Sunday Express that his goal is to recognize the occupied territories as an independent state. At the same time, he seems to believe that efforts to reunite the two sides of Cyprus are now in vain.

Erdogan unmoved

It is noted that on Sunday Erdogan said he would not allow countries "that support terrorism" to join the NATO alliance.

Last week's talks between Sweden and Finland on joining NATO held at Ankara's presidential complex "did not develop to the level expected," Turkish news agency Anadolu reported, citing statements by the Turkish president.

Speaking to reporters on the plane as he was returning to Turkey from a visit to Azerbaijan, Erdogan said: "Unfortunately, the talks that took place between our delegation with Finland and Sweden did not develop at the level we expected."

Noting that Sweden and Finland had expectations of these talks, Erdogan pointed out, however, that the two countries have not taken the necessary steps regarding Turkey's demands, noting that terrorists are still walking the streets of Stockholm, while Sweden is protecting them "with its own police"."

"We cannot repeat the mistakes made in the past (allowing countries to join NATO that is a security organisation) while these support and reinforce such terrorists," the Turkish president stressed.

Sweden and Finland formally applied for NATO membership on May 18, a decision prompted by Russia's war in Ukraine that began on February 24. Turkey expressed its objections to their accession, arguing that the two countries show tolerance or even support for terrorist groups.

The ten conditions set by Erdogan

It is recalled that, according to the Turkish pro-government newspaper Sabah, the Turkish authorities have prepared a list of 10 claims from Sweden and Finland.

Only if these demands are met will Ankara be able to reconsider its stance on the issue of the Nordic countries' accession to NATO, the publication says.

The list of Turkish claims from Helsinki and Stockholm is as follows:

1. Sweden and Finland must "decide on a position" on the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which Turkey considers a terrorist organisation.

2. To prevent people linked to terrorist structures from holding events in their parliaments, meaning pro-Kurdish organisations.

3. Stop the alleged provision by the Turks of material assistance to the so-called People's Self-Defence Forces (SNS) in Syria, which Ankara is linked to the PKK

4. Accelerate the extradition to Turkey of persons associated with "terrorists".

5. Stop contacts with representatives of Kurdish groups operating in Iraq and Syria.

6. To sever their ties with fugitives and wanted members of FETO (the Fethullah Gülen organisation) who are allegedly involved in the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey.

7. Not to take action against Turkey's national security.

8. To establish regular contacts and cooperation in the fight against "terrorism", as the Turks mean the liberation struggle of the Kurds.

9. Freeze the bank accounts of persons and organisations linked to terrorist organisations.

10. Not to allow on their territory the activities of non-governmental organisations with an anti-Turkish orientation – which could even concern Cypriot organisations.