Sunday, July 4, 2021


 Filenews 4 June 2021

The Cyprus Veterinary Association, considering the unpleasant events unfolding in the fire-affected areas, resulting in the loss of people, animals and the enormous ecological disaster, decided in an extraordinary session of the series of measures.

It decided for free emergency care of animals from the fire-affected areas, publishing a list of collaborating-available clinics that will serve the public which will be constantly renewed.

Citizens will be able to present fire-injured animals (e.g. burns, breathing problems) free of charge and the animals will be referred by telephone to veterinarians.

As mentioned, the coverage of the care costs will be made by the Cyprus Veterinary Association in consultation with the cooperating veterinarians.

Citizens will sign the presentation form to be given to them by the veterinarian.

List at the following Facebook link