Friday, June 12, 2020


Cyprus Mail 12 June 2020 - by Annette Chrysostomou

Consumers in Cyprus have been reassured the product is not about to run out on the island after the UK company producing it reported it had problems with supplying the popular spread.
“I can’t live without Marmite! If I don’t eat it every day I get withdrawal symptoms,” one anxious consumer in Nicosia exclaimed.
Fans of the spread, which is famous for dividing opinion, took to Twitter to vent their dismay at the shortage in the UK.

“I’ve just turned the news on to hear of a Marmite shortage – just when we thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse,” one quipped.
But those depending on the Cyprus supply have nothing to worry, main importer Argosy said on Friday.
Concerns were raised after Unilever, which owns the brand, said it temporarily stopped producing pack sizes other than the 250g jar, prompting a flurry of comments on social media.
Explaining that brewer’s yeast, a key ingredient was in short supply, the company confirmed on Twitter that stock levels were being affected, adding: “As a temporary measure we have stopped production of all sizes apart from our 250g size jar which is available in most major retailers,” the company said.
However, this is unlikely to affect the Cypriot market, Dimitra Nikiforou, speaking for the marketing department of Argosy, told the Cyprus Mail after checking the company’s records.
“We have got enough stock to supply all the supermarkets with the 125g jar, and we are expecting an order for the bigger one,” she said. “Our suppliers have not informed us of any issues. There is nothing unusual.”
Anyway, the product is not something that moves in such big quantities that it is likely to run out soon, she added.