Wednesday, May 20, 2020


in-cyprus 20 May 2020 -ByJosephine Koumettou

Four people tested positive to Covid-19 after 1984 diagnostic tests raising the total number of cases in Cyprus to 922, the Health Ministry said on Wednesday.
Three of the cases were from the tracing of the contacts of positive cases (78 tests today), and specifically, they were family members of a support staff member at a Strovolos high school who tested positive over the weekend.
The fourth case was found through testing among special health groups (135 tests today).

Dr Leontios Kostrikis said that the beginning of Phase Two of the easing of restrictions tomorrow is a landmark event and urged people to remain on course to prevent regression.
Dr Loizou touched upon the social stigmatisation of people who were found positive to the virus and said that they should be reintegrated in society without any discrimination, as no one contracted the virus by choice.
No positive cases were found in other groups of the population as follows:
  • None from 20000 tests in the retail and construction sectors (516 tests today)
  • None from public hospital labs (279 tests today)
  • None from private initiative (384 tests today)
  • None from repatriations (5 tests today)
  • None from tests of 10,000 workers in hair and beauty salons, restaurants and tattoo parlours (1 test today)
  • None from pupils and teachers (599 tests today)
At 3 pm on Wednesday, there were four patients at Famagusta Hospital, one in the increased care unit.
There are still three intubated patients in ICUs, all at Nicosia Hospital. One patient is also being treated there but is not intubated.
In hospitals other than the Famagusta referral hospital there is one positive case at Nicosia hospital.