Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Please see below a letter issued by the Acting Chief Health Inspector on the subject of communal/complex swimming pools.

Complex/communal pools should not be used for the time being.  Further information follows when it is available.

26th  May, 2020

To:  xxxxx

Dear xxxx

I would like to refer to your e-mail dated 22nd of  May  2020,  in which you are asking information regarding the use of Communal/Complex swimming pools and inform you that according to latest press releases from the Minister of Health dated 25th of May 2020 the use of Public Swimming Pools during the period of the pandemic Covid-19 is still forbitten.

According to the law concerning Swimming Pools you are informed that Communal/Complex swimming pools are also considered to be Public Swimming Pools therefore you are advised to follow the instructions.

We would like to inform you that suggested specific measures and other procedures in order to minimize the spread of Covid-19 with the withdrawal of that restriction will be given to the press as well.

(Herodotos Herodotou)
Acting Chief Health Inspector